Second-hand uniform sales are held by the Friends once a term, or more frequently where sufficient donations allow. Please ensure any donations of clean and 'minimally marked' items are handed into the school office. School uniform is a mandatory requirement.
Winter |
Summer |
Purple school sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan. White or purple/polo shirt. Plain grey, black or navy trousers, skirt or pinafore. Plain grey, black or navy skirt, pinafore or trousers (not cropped trousers). Sensible dark shoes (without heels, strappy backs, flashes of colour, coloured soles, or bright coloured laces). Trainers are not permitted. Plain black, white, navy or grey socks/tights. |
As winter uniform or school dress in purple/white. Tailored shorts just above the knee. |
The cost should not be more than for other clothes. Uniform can be bought from many retail stores but items bearing the school name and logo can be purchased from: WearAbouts: 28, Victoria Road, WOOLSTON, Southampton, SOl9 9DX. Tel: 023 8042 1203 To order My Clothing embroidered school uniform, visit http://www.myclothing.com/netley-abbey-junior-school/5646.school School Trends https://www.schooltrends.co.uk/ Jewellery is limited to one pair of stud earrings only and a watch. Children should not wear jewellery or watches for PE. The school cannot take responsibility for these items. Please speak to the school office for information on Second-hand Uniform |
PE Kit Black sports shorts. White T-shirt. Trainers or black plimsolls. A black long sleeved jumper or tracksuit can be worn when it is chilly. The children can only derive the maximum benefit from lessons if they are dressed as requested, as unsuitable clothes can be a hazard. Earrings (stud type) and watches will need to be removed for PE lessons. A simple named-bag in which to keep their kit is highly desirable. Extra ‘accessories’ e.g. nail varnish are not considered appropriate. Coloured hair, shaved heads, mohican, or other ‘fashionable’ hair styles or patterns are not allowed. PLEASE MARK ALL CLOTHING WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME |