The Federation of Netley Abbey Infant and Junior Schools

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 page. Here you will find useful information about our termly curriculum, PE days, homework expectations and useful websites.

Our 2024/25 curriculum map can be found here: Year 4 Overview

A more detailed overview of the Spring term (2024 - 2025) can be found here: Spring Term 2 Overview

The Minstead parent information can be found here: Minstead 2025 

The 'Welcome to Year 4' Power Point can be found here

Here is our Reading Bookcase, which shows the key texts we will read across the curriculum in Year 4:


We use our CLIC values to help us to learn to the best of our ability. We believe that every child has the right-

C– to be a confident communicator

L– to learn

I– to improve their health

C– to be part of a community

At Netley Abbey Junior School, these ideas underpin all of our learning.

If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please feel free to talk to our class teachers in the first instance who should be able to answer any queries. Alternatively, you can direct any questions to Mrs Rosie Earle, Federation Director of Teaching and Learning. 

Please find the ‘Welcome to Year 4’ Powerpoint below:

Meet our Teachers

Mrs Kreft (Year Leader) – Westwood

Miss Swinburn - Wykeham

Mr Archer (Mon-Fri) - Grange

Our PE Days

Please make sure you bring appropriate kit for the weather. This can stay in school all week.

Wykeham - Wednesday & Thursday

Grange - Thursday & Friday

Westwood - Wednesday & Thursday 


Homework is handed out each Friday and should be handed in each Wednesday.


Your child will be using the Spelling Shed app for weekly spelling games. All login information has been sent home with access via the Classlink app. Please ensure that your child completes 5 games that will include all of the spelling words that have been taught in school.

Times Tables

They should continue to learn their times tables at home as they will be frequently tested at school to ensure their progress. The expectation for all Year 4 children is for them to know and be able to recall all multiplication facts to 12 X 12 by June 2025.

The children love Times Tables Rockstars so please log on to

You can also find further support with times tables on this website:


Thee children should be reading at home for 20 minutes each day for 4 days. Please record your child’s reading on Boom Reader. Class teachers will be monitoring Boom Reader each week (on a Monday for Readopoly) and each child will update their personal bookmarks in school.

The links below are useful support documents for parents that help to explain Boom Reader and guide you through the user process. 

Home reading tips

Parent app

Parent app poster

Useful Websites

Reading support

Parents often ask us for suggestions of appropriate books for their children to read. Below is a  list of suggestions of high quality texts suitable for children working towards and at the expected level for year 4.

SLS Recommended Reads For Year 4

SLS Able Readers Year 4 

Parents’ Guide to Grammar

In the link below you will find a user friendly guide to the different grammar terminology your child will be familiar with. Although it is split into year groups, you may need to look at the year group before for skills originally introduced in previous years. We hope that this is a helpful tool for supporting your child with their homework.

A Parents Guide to Grammar


Half term updates: