The Federation of Netley Abbey Infant and Junior Schools

Year 2 


Year 2 Information

Over the year we will teach the children through six learning journeys which are...

...Twisted Tales, Animal Magic, To infinity and Beyond, All Aboard, The Adventure Begins and No Limits. Each half term we provide you with an overview that details what learning the children will cover in that learning adventure.

In Year 2 we have three delightful classes, they are:

  • Squirrels (Miss Colewell)
  • Field Mice (Mrs Davison)
  • Hedgehogs (Mrs Nelson). 

Year 2 have PE sessions which take place on Tuesday and Thursday - the children will need to bring their PE kits in to change for their PE sessions. They will then wear their PE kits home. 

                                                       2024 -2025

Spring 2 parent learning sheet Year 2

Spring 1 parent learning sheet

Autumn 2

Animal Magic




Please see below for information about what we will be learning this Autumn 2 in School. 

Attached is the overview: /docs/Overview_Autumn_2.docx

Autumn 1

Twisted Tales



 Please see below for information about what we will be learning this Autumn 1 in school.

Attached is the overview:/docs/Autumn_1_Twisted_Tales.docx



 Autumn 1 2023- 2024 - Twisted Tales

Please see below for information about what we will be learning this Autumn 1 in school. There are also some ideas to do at home to support your child's learning and help them to recall and embed what they learn in school. 


 Autumn 2 2023- 2024 - Animal Magic

We start our Animal Magic learning adventure with a Carnival of the Animals day where we come dressed as all different types of animal! 

Please see the information below to find out what we will be learning through this learning adventure. We have provided suggestions that you can do at home too and we love seeing these things so please send them in or tell us all about it! 



Spring 1 2024

Please read below to find out all about our out of the world learning adventure this half term. We are going 'To Infinity and Beyond' as we learn about the space race and significant people that have made history by blasting off into outer space!



Spring 2 

Our learning adventure for Spring 1 is All Aboard - all about the Titanic. We will becoming historians to find out all about the past and what happened to possibly the most famous ship in the world! 


 Year 2 Summer Term 1

The adventure begins