The Federation of Netley Abbey Infant and Junior Schools


At Netley Abbey Infant School we place learning at the heart of all that we do. Our skills-based curriculum, balanced with the core knowledge required, allows our children to become highly effective learners. Our role as teaching staff is to equip them with the necessary life-skills for an ever changing world; which we feel are centred around learning to read and communicate.

Infant School is an exciting time in a child's life and as such, our pupils are introduced to 6 key Learning Characters to help them understand and develop the skills for learning:



Asking Ant - encourages the children to ask questions when they are learning, using words like who, what, when, where, how, why, could, would...



Emotions Elephant - helps the children to identify and understand how they, and others are feeling and develop the concept of empathy. He also supports the children in managing their feelings.


Problem Solving Penguin - finds solutions to problems and aids the children in working through a problem to reach a solution.



Resilient Rhino - supports us in bouncing back even if we get stuck! Knowing it's ok that you didn't get it quite right this time but you're going to try again.



Team Tigers - encourages us to listen to and share with other people because we work and learn together! Together we can achieve more. 


For more information regarding the curriculum, please contact Rosie Earle - Federation Director of Teaching and Learning.